
Workshop am 12.12.2019

Der Workshop ist vor allem an die Teilnehmenden der Workshops im Dezember 2018 gerichtet – wir freuen uns aber über neue Gesichter! Wendet euch an, wenn ihr Interesse habt, teilzunehmen.

Wie alles begann: Ausschnitte aus dem Projektantrag

Intro The project intends to investigate the possibility of designing and implementing a social service addressed to “people in transition” within the municipality of Bozen-Bolzano, given that at present such service is not provided. Traditionally social services are addressed to specific, relative stable, social conditions (employed/unemployed/retired, resident/tourist, young/old, etc.) assuming that the passage from one condition to the other does not entail any relevant transition. However, today, because of the extension of choices related to life-paths and connected diffuse precariousness, more and more people undergo situations of transitions or experience what could have been thought in the past as stable […]